
Showing posts from July, 2012

Some Like It Hot, a Review of the Revised Kama Sutra

From "The Face Magazine", UK: one of the over 60 reviews received by "The Revised Kama Sutra":   Still others may be read at:

Two reviews of Eaten by the Japanese

Two reviews came to my attention recently: A review from a blogger/author ("Amazing book . . . finished it in one sitting."): And an older review by the erudite Professor of English Barry Fruchter, which was locked up in a storage facility in the New York region: please click on Page 1 and then Page 2 below. Exceptionally sensitive, detailed and sophisticated review:  Below is Page 2. Please click on the image below, and clicking on CTRL + until you zoom in to read the text,, however, I also provide a quote below this. Quotes from the review above: "More than any book in recent memory, Eaten by the Japanese  drives home the lasting effects of enforced captivity – not only on the bodies but also on the minds of the prisoners. It is almost totally devoid of xenophobia directed either at the Japanese enslavers or at the British imperial military masters in whose name t...