Man Speaks in the Middle of a Forest ... Still Wrong?
From the Preface to Works in Progress [available, now in March 2017, only as a download from my website. [This is the slightly changed preface, and it encapsulates the essence of the book and its raison d'etre.] If a man shouts a sentence in the middle of the forest where no one, man or woman, can hear him, is he still wrong? No one can say, not having heard the content of his sentence; and the same thing is true, at this moment, of Works in Progress ( and a few of my other books at my website and elsewhere, which, unlike when I had well-known publishers publishing and publicizing my work, are lost in the Amazon jungle of millions of titles): They may be shouts in the middle of a forest, but since no one* has read it yet, no one can say whether or why it is right or wrong—or whether “right” and “wrong” have any meaning in the context of such an act of pure self-expression. And yet, I needed to shout this book to the world. Or at least to myself. (And maybe that's why t...