The Strange World of an Indian Bestselling Author
From The Killing of an Author, published in paper and on Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Nook, etc. Selected passages from one of the book's most important chapters. The trouble with any excerpt in a blog is that, I have to restrict the language here, and also that no excerpt can really convey the power of the book as the book itself (particularly later chapters such as "The Taboos" and "The System and the Killing of Subversive Authors").
An Author Is Born
The Strange World of A Bestselling Indian Author
Finally the
book ["The Revised Kama Sutra: A Novel"] was finished, and it included a strong, in-your-face Prologue, a political
manifesto on behalf of invisible Third World writers, a manifesto demanding
equal freedom and incorporating The Invisible Man Press:
“It is true
that I, the author, have registered a publishing company in the United States
called the Invisible Man Press because I felt that it was time for us Indians
(including those of Indian origin — one-sixth of humankind) in this
postcolonial age to feel free to say absolutely whatever we wanted to say,
without censorship of any kind, real or imagined.”
Prologue went on to suggest that censorship of Third World voices occurred
discreetly in a democracy like the U.S., and that Western publishing was a very
effective tool of this censorship and control. Briefly, the Prologue’s message was: We
are equal citizens of Republic Earth, so please, no double standards, no
paternalistic rules or prohibitions.
chutzpah, I think now, looking back on what I did, for a brown writer living a
marginal literary existence in the West to start his first novel
with an attack on Western publishing, literary colonialism, and apartheid, and
his first chapter with a blast at British colonialism! Rather than waiting, as Arundhati Roy later did,
to first make her millions and establish her power base in the West, and then
to choose causes that would make her the darling of liberals. (How this passage
must have reddened the face of Peter Mayer, Penguin’s worldwide head, who
received a copy of the novel from David Davidar shortly thereafter, and did nothing
about it.) But I was young, green, hopeful, and proud, and didn’t know that
there were no prizes set aside and waiting, in the West-dominated literary
world, for Indian writers with balls, for unsuitable brown boys. (If there was
to be a prize, I would have to institute it myself ... and I actually started
planning for it — “The Invisible Man
Press Award for a Courageous Indian Writer” — but could not follow through
because of too many commitments and too few resources.)
But my
Penguin India editor David Davidar’s enthusiasm, the feeling that fame — or
some sort of explosion (David’s prediction of the novel “taking India by
storm”) — was around the corner made me decide, with finality, to ask that my
on-again, off-again resignation from the Indian Administrative Service, until
now my ticket to security and comfort and status for life in India, be made
permanent and irrevocable.
.. (Please read the rest in The Killing of an Author, available on most e-book platforms and in paperback.)....