About Me and What and Why I Write

I realize that I do not have the time to run a blog and should probably not even be having a blog. I have, often, unpublished the blog, only to republish it: because to be silenced, and to silence oneself, is more chilling, than to be read by just a handful.

I would much prefer to have an audience comprised entirely of those who read my published books, but that is at the moment a very small audience. I know of many publishers, in the so-called Free World (including India and the US, my two main markets and my two main homes), for whom ego and payback is a far more important value than freedom of expression and a free democratic exchange of viewpoints.

I have been tempted to publish all my books in the form of blogs ... but I still harbor a dream of making an independent income through writing. I own nothing at all ... not even a suit, not even enough money for the next month's rent. (But I do own three things: 1. The Rights to nearly all my books. 2. An original signed letter from Kurt Vonnegut. 3. The domain brownboys.com--which I would be willing to sell for a fair price to help me to continue writing.)

This page is written to explain the new title of my blog, as well as in the hope that I am able to reach more people, who are more quickly able to gauge who I am, and have been for the last 30 years: a fighter for independence, for freedom, against colonialism, against oppression, against narrowminded thinking, against cruelty of all kinds, against greed, against hatred and bigotry.

In a few days, I will add, to this page, a link to a few of my most important blog posts (IMHO).

Thank you for reading my blogs (unedited, basic though they mostly are) and also my books (which are, some of them, much better, and even funny at times).


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