The Revised Kama Sutra: New cover, dedication, epigraphs

My widely published (though not TOO widely published) novel, The Revised Kama Sutra, has a new cover on Amazon Kindle, etc. Here it is:

And here are the Dedication and Epigraphs, just to give you the sense in which the novel is a revision of the Kama Sutra:


To the late Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, who taught me that it is permissible to laugh at the once sacred, and that the satirist’s religion is to have no sacred cows.
To Saul Bellow, who taught me to love words brilliantly used, and whose lusty but brilliant male characters suggest a possible symbiosis between sex and intelligence.
To the late Seymour Krim, a ballsy writer, for believing in me, and inspiring me to put my all into this novel.
To Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, and James Baldwin, for inspiring me with their honesty and courage to stand up for the Invisible Man.
To the late Henry Miller, for introducing me to the laughter and joy of sex, while teaching me to despise and laugh at the censorship of thought and language.
And finally, to the all-encompassing Goddess, the Female Oneness, and her Cosmic Yoni, the Temple of Joy and the Source of Existence, the English slang version of whose sacred name forms the last word of this novel. I am sure you wouldn’t have minded sharing this space with her, Henry.


“Man, the period of whose life is one hundred years, should practice dharma, artha, and kama at different times and in such a manner that they may harmonise, and not clash in any way. He should acquire learning in his childhood; in his youth and middle age he should attend to artha and kama; and in his old age he should perform dharma, and thus seek to gain moksha, that is, release from further transmigration. Or, because of the uncertainty of life, he may practice them at times when they are not enjoined to be practised.”
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, circa Fourth Century A.D.

“Man, the most exquisite part of whose life is perhaps ten or twenty years, should practice Kama as soon and for as long as is biologically possible, and emigrate to America—where, according to Hollywood movies and assorted Western novels, millions of insatiable and sexually ravenous women await his arrival, ready to serve his pleasure, and theirs.”
The Revised Kama Sutra, circa Twentieth Century A.D.


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